Establish the client – planner relationship
At your first meeting, we will:
- Provide you with our Financial Services Guide.
- Explain the issues and concepts related to the overall financial planning process that are appropriate to you.
- Explain the services that we will provide, and the process of planning and documentation.
Gather client data and determine your goals and expectations
At your first meeting, we will:
- Obtain information about your financial resources and obligations through the interview process or using our Client Data Sheet.
- Define your personal and financial goals, needs and objectives.
- Investigate your values, preferences, financial outlook and desired results as they relate to your financial goals, needs and objectives.
- Define your Risk Profile.
Clarify your present financial status and identify any problem areas and opportunities
We will:
- Analyse your information to assess your current situation (cash flow, net worth, tax postion, etc).
- Identify any problem areas or opportunities with respect to your Capital needs, Risk management needs and coverage, Investments, Taxation, Retirement Planning, Employee benefits, Estate Planning, Special needs (eg education needs).
Develop and present your financial plan (Statement of Advice)
We will:
- Prepare a financial plan (Statement of Advice) tailored to meet your goals and objectives, values, risk tolerance.
- Prepare an Authority to Proceed.
- Present the plan to you and offer you a regular Investment Review Service.
Implement your financial plan
We will:
- Prepare the application forms.
- Place your investments.
Monitor your financial plan
If you have agreed to the Investment Review Service, we will:
- Meet with you on a regular basis (quarterly, half yearly or yearly).
- Discuss any changes in your personal circumstances and how they might affect your goals.
- Review and evaluate the impact of changing tax laws and economic circumstances.
- Review your portfolio and make any necessary adjustments to the original recommendations.